Relief from neck pain is contingent upon identifying its source. At CU Chiropractic, our specialized techniques are employed by our chiropractic team to precisely pinpoint the origin of pain, and these methods have demonstrated effectiveness in previous cases.
All sensory nerves originate in the spine, and a misaligned spine can result in irritation and tension in the surrounding muscle tissue. This muscular response is a natural mechanism to safeguard the spine, and poor posture can exacerbate these effects, leading to persistent pain and potential long-term damage.
End the cycle of neck pain and spinal misalignments. While some individuals believe the issue will resolve on its own, the pain may temporarily subside, but the underlying problem persists until proper treatment is administered. Delaying treatment increases the risk of severe injury associated with a misaligned spine, and prolonged waiting may make the reversal process more challenging. Don't endure neck pain any longer—seek timely intervention for lasting relief.